2015 point of direction for me is Fighting Forward. I was thinking about where to start?? I finally decided on a point of direction for the new year. The new year is fast becoming my favorite time of year because it means that I get to make shifts of change. Which is turning into excitement because...
Last year I made a short list of things that I wanted to accomplish. The astonishing thing for me is that I have met everything on the list. It is a real jaw opening moment because mind you I forget some of them. I remember the major one and stay true to that and then all the others still manage to get checked off and this has repeated itself year after year since I first began making a list. I had certain expectations and it is funny how they evolve into how they are meant to be. For this year rather than goals I am really setting out points that are laying out a path. So here goes.
Point One : Don't look Back There is so much past that defines us and shapes us and changes us. I feel really balanced where I am in my life right now, starting this year. I've spent these two weeks just trusting that I've met my goals from last year. They were wonderful goals and I found myself thinking "okay maybe I should just keep all of the same ones I had last year because they led me to such a great place", then soon I get scared that I might make a mistake and have taken two steps forward and then will have to take one step back. So it was pretty easy to come up with this first and most important point. Because I have met those goals and they will always be with me to add to my future and so I don't have to look back. I get to take them with me.
Point Two : Fighting Fighting can be thought as a negative term. I personally hate the typical way that I think of "fighting" because it defines the situation which usually involves really heavy feelings, desperation for understanding, divided ideals. But I would rather think of it in a positive way representing strength, determination, power So I wanted to include this as my second important point. I want to fight forward. I don't want to be pulled back. I am not fighting against anyone. I am fighting for myself, not passively waiting. I am getting stronger. I fighting to my best.
Point Three : Spirit I want to share my spirit and keep it true.
Point Four : Openness I am open to what is best for my life. Sometimes I have ideas/wishes and I don't realize that I am very thankful for the ideas/wishes that I don't make and receive.
Lastly, I want to keep a theory of Love: "that love is given and received and precious and not demanded, disrespected, or faked". I am so excited for this 2015 year.
Well honestly who knows? I am on a kick of finishing everything I haven't finished. That will keep me busy for a few weeks. Then I just have all this momentum so I just can even imagine what will produce itself. The sky is the limit. I'm just trying to take all of the beauty in. Look at this beautiful life. I am so grateful. Thank you for everything I have learned. Thank you for all the challenges. Thank you for all the blessings.
Speaking of little happinesses, these pics are from a vacation our family got to take the first part of this year. Wow the water is so pretty. We had a wonderful time and it was such a gift for me to spend that time with Weston and the kids. We took that time and it was the best present ever for our family!! This picture below is incredible. How could anything be more beautiful??

It is a good feeling to meet goals for sure. I like your don't look back idea too, because it's such a hopeful outlook. Always moving forward, right? And your trip looks like it was beautiful!